Service Areas
Areas served by Horizon Electrical Services
- Chestnut Hill
- Lafayette Hill
- Bala Cynwyd
- Gladwyne
- Bryn Mawr
- Haverford
- Villanova
- Wayne
- Radnor
- Ardmore
- Wynnewood
- Flourtown
- Wyndmoor
- Center City
- Rittenhouse Square
- University City
- Society Hill
- Queen Village
- Old City
- Lansdale
- Upper Gwynedd
- Lower Gwynedd
- Blue Bell
- North Wales
- Skippack
- Worcestor
- Harleysville
- Springhouse
- Ambler
- Doylestown
- New Hope
- Washington’s Crossing
- Solebury
- Lahaska
- Buckingham
- hatfield
- hilltown
- doylestown
- chalfont
- Springhouse
- ambler
- flourtown
- dresher
- maple glen
- north wales
- montgomeryville
- towamencin
- harleysville
- collegeville
- wyndmoore
- old city philadelphia
- society hill philadelphia
- blue bell
- skippack
- doylestown pa
- doylestown boro
- lansdale pa
- Montgomeryville pa
- chalfont pa
- hilltown pa
- north wales pa
- towamencin pa
- souderton pa
Contact us today
For all your residential and commercial electrical work, Horizon Electrical Services is here to help.